But I'll have a blue,blue blue Christmas

Nu a vrut niciodata sa plece... Ce ironie, cei care isi doresc sa plece cu adevarat poate nu reusesc.Ea nu a vrut si iata ca este...Life is not so easy printre straini.

Daca ar mai avea 20. Dar are 30 si....si acum chiar ca nu mai stie unde i-e locul..Si acolo au uitat-o si aici nu poti fi niciodata cu sufletul...printre ca si ai tai..acum unde sa zboare? poate si mai departe.

Cel mai mult pe lumea asta si-ar dori sa daruiasca.

''There's more to the women's lives.'

'More what?'

'More emotion, variety, feeling. They're closer to the heart of things- to children, to themselves, to their husbands, and to the way the world really works.'

'Money and politics are the engine.'

#They're a cover story, she said. Its on top, surface.'

He was boring. He bored himself.

She was making him think of why she would want to be with him; of what he had to offer.

Before Father refused to have Harry accompany him on his doctor visits, harry becvame aware, for the first time, that Father thought for himself.He thought about men and women, about politics and the transport system in London, about horse racing and cricket, and about how someone should live.

Yet his father never read anything but newspaper. Harry recalled the ignorant, despised father in Sons and Lovers.

Harry had believed too much in people who were better educated. He had thought that the truth was in certain books, or in the thinkers who were current. It had never occured to Harry that one could-should- work things out for oneself.

Who was he to do this?

Father had paid for his education, yet it gave Harry no sustenance; there was nothing there he could use now, to help him grasps what was going on.

He was a journalist, he followed others-critically, of course. But he served them' he put them first.

Television and newspapers bored Alexandra.''Noise'', she called it. She had said ,'You'd rather read a newspaper than think your own thoughts'.

He and Mother made their way back to the car.

She had never touched, held or bent down to kiss him; her body was inacessible to him as it probably was to her. He hadn't never slept in her bed. Now, she took his arm. He thought she wanted him to support her, but she was steady. Afection, it might have been.''

Hanif Kureishi, The body


The Buddha of Suburbia

The black album

Love in a blue time


Midnight all day


Si din momentul asta simte ca nu mai poate...si iar te suna la trei dimineata...iar...si poate nu...hai ca te lasa sa dormi,te lasa mai...:(

Desi ar fi vrut sa il auda tipand.

acu un an si s-a simtit singura singura mergand cu el alaturi pe Magheru, a scos bani,bani din chiria lui si masa lui, ca sa fie in siguranta pe unde se imprastie iarasi si a plecat.Noaptea ce fuse,fuse o noapte incuiata si pagana.

Dorul poate fi si fricos, de frisca si nesimitit.

A luat avionul, a pus piciorul din nou pe pamant umed, departe. Ploua. Nu mai avea rochita din in galbena, ca la primul ei exil. Era calita. A cautat-o, la marginea Londrei, pe femeia romanca de succes din Uk. Prietena ta.Care avea un job ca si al lui Alan. Era jurata.Si Alan era asa de prost si mandru si mai putin stia, decat ea, e adevarat..

A gasit-o si aceea i-a sugerat cu mandrie sa scrie despre ea. Care parca stia mai multe despre tine.Sapte ani sunt nimic. Raman cartofii prajiti minunat in bufetul Casei Presei Libere si bananele. A luat luat metroul iarasi si s-a intors in Victoria station. Parca vorbise cu o englezoiaca cu pretentii de englezoaica. Isi amintise de ultima noapte ca si cand ar fi dormit pe prag.A luat autobuzul din Victoria station si era frig. Nor even the heating on.Peste cinci ore era iarasi in suburbii.Suburbii pe care nu le stia cu adevarat nici ea.Longhsight era insa mai prietenos decat alte piese de teatru.

Dragos avea pantalonii de sport ros,cand il gasise asa, pe podea.Pe sub gene parca inca ii spunea,''''Nu stiu cine-i ala, da daca nu are grija de tine,vin si il bat rau...'Ea stia deja ca urma sa plece si inca nici nu mai erau bani de Australia, caci el murise.

Acum aproape trei ani.tanar .De suparare. Celalalt devenise mai mare.Prin munca asidua.Si merita. Pe cuvantul meu de suflet.

Viata, dincolo de ambitii, e scurta.Ce nu intelegeti???? prostilor.

Doctori.Aproape toti banii si-i pastrase pntru teste. De asta se procupa acum. Sa fie sanatoasa. Ca sa nu fie povara.

Mi-e dor ..nu stiu de ce mi-e dor..mi-e dorsa imi fie si bine ,un pic.Tu esti pentru mine, dragul meu dintr-o carte colorata, foarte frumoasa.Esti Cuprins.

Wednesday December 17, 2008 - 02:14am (EET)

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