stay with me,
S: ''inca mai e speranta pt aia care nu au vzt genericul:))''
''' acum nu incerca sa te convingi singura:))
Well, so,if u think that now u revenge hurting me,as the most do with me...bye and bye
S: asa ca daca vii imi va face placere sa te vad sa vorbim sa te mangai pe par poate sa ne si futem...dracu stie ce aduce viitorul
S: si daca nu, so keep in touch ca-mi place de tine
Perplexa de oameni si vieti...Well. well who are u to judge/
dupa cateva secunde cheer up the lady
sunt barbati care dupa ce si-au luat suturile de la viata
s: vor face orice pt o femeie ca tine
s: asa ca chin up
s: si nu te salbatici de tot
s: macar tie da-ti o sansa
S:eu oricum am ales sa fiu singur...
Thats good... U were the one..not me...
''Maybe u come..'', he said
Well, de ce exista unii barbati pe pamant? #
The accountant
''u didnt call me...''
''Well, I had a terible kidney cold''
''And my ten pounds?''
''oh, while she throwing up over his face, that note...take it and get out over my face''
''Well, if u still want to give me a beep .....I will call u back''
imaginea calda, so buna a lui Dragos rasarea cand ceilalti erau rai,ocupati, razbunatori sau invizibili...buburuza, vine iarna.....u need, we should, please just ...ce fel de crenwursti ziceai?
The rose, rose over the snow. God,forgive me, and stay with me..
Murise de inima rea din cauza ei.Il bagase in pamant.
Wednesday December 3, 2008 - 02:55am (EET
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