Let's put up the Christmas tree

Hi Laura,

I am cooking some Mince Pies today. They are made with pastry and a current
and sultana filling with a little brandy. I make alot of these and freeze
them until Christmas. I will let you taste some of them nearer Christmas.

I will let you know later how many I have made.

Caroline x

Pana atunci...mai e..insa, exista oua multe, spumoase, si un iaurtel.Si cereale,of course.

Becky''Let's put up the christmas tree...'', ii veni ideea dracusorului blond...

Yulla''What??? ''Facu o grimasa tampa printre suvitele vopsite blond de curand ,in timp ce-si usca parul stufos cu foenul ieftin..I need,I need just to go out..I need to be away.

She, parca trezita din somn...''Let's put up the Christmas tree'', cu ochii stralucind de imaginea risipita a copilariei...

Sid....''Ok, put up the Christmas tree,but let me check these invitations for Belle Vue''..He is always interested about Belle Vue...Manchester is famous for Belle Vue, of course...and Longhsight is so close to BelleVue.

Cealalta, femeia tunsa scurt, sari de pe scaun cu aplomb,isi sufleca manecile, ii zambi lu Becky solidar si incepura sa sfasie cu unghiile cutiile de carton inalte.Apoi Becky dezvalui cu manutele ei mici un verde crud....''come on Lora,pick up this piece,u are big''..uuff ,tunsa o rupse la fuga sa isi puna in picioare ciorapi mai grosi,avea probleme cu rinichii, saraca, se plangea tot timpul, si reveni cu o cana de ceai negru si vointa ...''Becky, lets tune on Santa Clause coming to town''...''Yes, cool,Lora..yeah,yeah...'' si in acord cu muzica de sarbatoare luasera de gat bradoiul si il tarara pe scari incruntate de efort . Copacul,artificial,of course, ca ei nu taie copaci, il cocotara bucatica cu bucatica pe tavan. Apoi se asezara amandoua pe sofa,cu mainile pe genunchi , privindu-l cuminti. ''Oh, we need decorations..''

''Yeah,oh, this Romanian need some brain..''racni Yulla,the young cubanese wife, in timp ce isi intindea parul cu placa, cu bratarile din aur atarnandu-i peste genunchi.

Come here Yulla, to see my advertisment on the newspaper..''Reunion..do u see that?Reunion?''

''Yeah,Yeah, u and Alan, that fucking judge gay..I will tell to the authorities all the truth ,all,one day. Even how do u avoid paying the electricity..all'

''Yulla, drink a coffe, please,u are nervous in the morning. Don'tu work today?

Cubaneza cu fundul mijind languros printre matasuri de haine simti ca isi pierde mintile ascultand aceleasi replici.. I cant stand anymore this always fucking shit. I go to Spain. I leave u, I mean it'

Yeah, to get again pragnant with Mario and then the stupid English to pay the abortion.Tramp. '', spuse insa toate cuvintele pe un ton linistit, in timp ce continua sa isi citeasca mailurile cu lupa.

Yulla il privi cu ura, cu ura adevarata,manifestata printre genele stufoase, dadu cu piciorul in mingea lui Becky si isi isi smulse geanta de pe sofa iesind val vartej pe usa, trantind-o cu aplomb de pereti.

In casa parca mirosea a cozonaci.Omul isi lasa lupa sa se odihneasca nitel, sorbi din ceaiul laptos cu pofta si se intoarse intr-ale lui.Copiii decorau.Pentru CRACIUN.

Sunday November 23, 2008 - 01:54am (EET)

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