penne for love ....or baby u can still turn me on..make me explode
Si pentru ca nu avea pe cine mangaia si iarasi e goala casa care oricum era goala si cand era plina, a gatit niste penne cu doua feluri de sos si ierburi si doua tipuri de ham si s-a gandit ca e frumos sa impartaseasca, asa ca s-a dus cu o farfurie aromata la usa la Joan, desi aici nu prea se obisnuieste...Well, Joan e, cred, din Caraibe, si e altfel, calda si cu zambet de metisa. Dupa zece minute a sunat entuziasmata...''Lora, is gorgeous, thank u very much, my son keeps in eating(her Apollo chocolate son).''I have more...''Err...'' '''Please..''..Ok, I bring another plate in a minute, sweetheart....''...ok...
Ah, ce bine ma simt.cand ofer, ceva , orice, sa fie primit cu bucurie.
Ham la oopsy, adica reduced.50p, hihi...I know, too much salty....No.Lora, is so fresh and so many vegetables...''
I feel fresh for love again.
well, really, pepper, garlic,onion, tomtoes,tomato sauce, parsley, etc...the dance of the penne and vegetables...shiraz
ah, sunt plina de dragoste. Dau pe dinafara

uuuf, Sam is barking continuosly, who is there??!
so what, u can still turn me on if u have strong personality and if u dont care about my blogs
''organizeaza o viata dansanta'', zice G.
''yeah, good ideea''

mda.a uitat de alarma in cautare de noi penne apoi flashing si flashing..well sorry, a trezit toata strada?? in intimitatea binelui codul nu se vroia a fi dezvaluit. ten minutes of wailling, not too much, come on
hai sa nu ne frustram si sa dansam un pic slower...
unde ramasesem/
ei, nu chiar slow pustiul a pus ochii pe EA

Monday October 6, 2008 - 09:41pm (EEST

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