travelling in the truck,cu pantalonii suflecati,si genunchii inghetati de frig,cu ploaia atarnand dupa urechi si geamurile intepate de vant, candy girl incepu sa planga in nestire, asa, ca in blueberry nights. Descoperi asa,in bataia vitezei cu cerul leganat prin par,ca ii iesise un fir din bluza noua,si se uita indelung la el,daca poate fi tras sau taiat...sau...copacii erau cam goi saracii,adica dincolo de zahar pudra, erau .''I want to kiss your smile and feel the pain''.
Venea 1 decembrie si se simtea bine asa, ca vine ziua nationala a Romaniei, under 43 degrees, simtea ca trebuie sa traiasca orisicum, ce dus imbunat, ce dus cald,de binete, ce trup cuminte, romanesc, de cozonac.In fine. puteau navali acum ca nu-i pasa. Yulla si Sid erau la Oxford, de unde sa stiu eu,la Oxford,intr-o excursie...
''Lora,stop looking at that fish''
Becky..''I think Lora likes that fish.
Yulla...''We have to get rid of that fish''
''Why? ''
''Why?Because that fish is is a non sens.'' .
The accountant nu obtinuse ce vroia, da cine obtinea?
Ce vroiau barbatii astia sa futa si sa fuga,cam asa vor toti,nu-i asa? Toti barbatii astia, cu mintea mai scurta sau mai lunga, ar fi preferat sa o faca si apoi sa o ia la fuga si sa isi reia normalitatea.Mai incolo nu stiau ce sa faca.Lasi.I dont want men in my life.
In fine.
Se face limpede si stelele isi reiau locul in univers.
Why didnt u like Becky's mother and u like this cubanese brainless girl?
Well I have enough from that one...
What does it mean?
I mean she liked to dictate me and finally she died not only from cancer, but also from broken heart.
She loved u.
Of course she loved me.
But she chose another man even when she was on dying. Of course she was gorgeous. Spanish, big black eyes, so alive, she had style and personality.
But she didnt like to be on her own. She liked company all te time. Even if she didnt love them..
Hmm,Yulla, doesn't dictate u, but she has been fucking a lot with others..
Yes, yes, but she doesn't dictate me, that's the point,and sometimes we fuck each other very nicely.
Lora, stop looking at that fish.
Yes, but thats's a golden fish. I can make a wish.
Lora, u believe in God, in fish,and in a lot fantasies. It's very bad for your mind.
Isi infasura prosopul alb, imens, in jurul trupului si se gandi ca se afla nu numai singura, dar si stapana peste Longsight.Cosea zorile cu ata alba in pielea rasfatata. Din cand in cand, si o ceasca de bergamota si brandy. Ce mai conta? Se simtea si altfel decat musulmana.
But there was a moment in his life that he was married with both. Neah. that marriage was in Las Vegas, is not legal.
Thursday November 27, 2008 - 02:56am (EET)
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