
Saudi women and their male guardians

''In Saudi Arabia, every woman has to have a male guardian, usually a husband or father, who makes critical decisions on her behalf.

She cannot get married, divorced, travel, get a job or an education without a man's permission.

In many cases she cannot even get routine medical procedures without express consent from her guardian.

A new report from Human Rights Watch says women in Saudi are treated like children, and that government policy towards them results in daily abuses of their basic human rights.

Shiulie talks to Farida Deiff, the author of this report, and to Wajeha Al-Huwaider, one of Saudi Arabia's best known womens rights activists.''

The veil

Everywoman talks to women in Egypt about what
motivated them to cover their hair
''In Egypt now, the majority of girls cover their hair, either with a hijab - a headscarf, or with a niqab - which veils the entire face, including the eyes. But this hasn't always been the case, in the 1970s only a minority of Egyptian women covered themselves.

Some say the changes reflect a growing conservatism in Egyptian society. Others argue the hijab is more of a fashion statement than a symbol of religious purity.

Everywoman met three Egyptian women, and their families, and asked them about their decision to cover themselves - or not.

We also talk to three women in Egypt about what motivated them to wear a hijab- a headscarf, a niqab, or veil, or to leave their hair and faces uncovered.

They talk about how much the veil is about vanity, how much about perceived modesty. They talk frankly about their decision and the reactions they get.''

Saturday December 27, 2008 - 01:09pm (EET

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