Entry for October 04, 2008
''That's one thing I can't stand'', he said, scowling,''the sound of a woman crying. I'm sorry. I have no patience for it.''
''Mariam,who had never heard of Nixon, or the scandal that had forced him to resign, did not say anything back. She waited anxiously for Rasheed to finish talking, to crush his cigarette, and take his leave. Only she'd heard him cross the hallway, heard his door open and close, only then would the metal fist gripping her belly let go.''
It was a dark maroon silk shawl with beaded fringes and edges embroidered with gold thread.
Do u like it?
Mariam looked up. Rasheed did a touching thing then. He blinked and averted his gaze.
Mariam thought of Jalil, of the emphatic, jovial way in which he'd pushed his jewllery at her, the overpowering cheerfullness that left room for no response but meek gratitude. Nana had been right about Jalil's gifts. They had been halfhearted tokens of penance, insincere, corrupt gesture meant more for his own appeasement than hers.
That night, Rasheed visited her room again.But instead of smoking in the doorway, he crossed the room and sat beside her where she lay on the bed. The springs creaked as the bed tilted to his side.''

Saturday October 4, 2008 - 02:49am (EEST)

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