I have fish in my blood...with u
statea cu privirea fixata in perete. oasele se transformasera in pereti intinsi si scorojiti. statea atarnata de perete ca un tablou trist. patul lacrimat statea atarnat de ochiul ei intins pe perete de vinilin. peretele statea atarnat de un cer mancat de molii. moliile se zbateau intr-insa, prinse intamplator de tipat. tipatul avea intr-insul asfintitul gol,. Astepta Invierea.
Seara cu muzica folk, Irish and alive. Words arisen from SOULS about wild horses and the lost love. Fata cu parul roscat, lung, dansand cu picioarele goale intr-un pub viu. Dancing Irish cu obrajii rozalii pe picioare zambind. Englezii devenisera simpatici. Alaturi the Welch woman, Keith and her son. A little attracted by her kid with red hair I was. Eighteen years old . Bitch that I am. Scaring. And then the sounds. And then, only Him, with his fingers painted on my eyes.
te iubesc la nesfarsit till the end of the world.
the world is never ending.
I have fish in my blood.
with u.
I have autumn on my arms
with u.
I have the Great Wall into my bones
with u.
I have Jesus pain
with u.
I miss u with tears from the ocean,
big and sharp.
forgetting about Jesus.
With u my skin is violent and naughty.
without u
I m anyway with u
inside of the wood.
Poveste cu dinozauri blanzi imi esti.
Gura ta am sa o asez
in alt loc
la mine pe limba sa se adape
cand ii e sete de necunoscut.
pretinzi ca ma cunosti.
imi cunosti nebunia trupului asternuta
pe ganduri din violenta tacere
si atat.
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