we could be more than that...this message for friends in depression as well

Reading and watching life in a different way

nu, nu este atat de interesant pentru ca nu este vorba despre protectia animalelor, but about a human being. It's about us.

''But it's only right that people should be able to make an informed choice either way.''

no, I didn't press search in order to find out which ones from the ill have blogs, in order to find an interesting story to impress. I have noticed him on a tv international channel,in such an involving mood and bearing an optimistic smile on his face. He was explaining how important is education in order to give to people another chance for life.

''I have one last little mission before I die. I'm determined to try and educate more people about what it is like to be a bone marrow donor. There are still 7,000 people - children and adults in the UK alone - who are waiting to find a match. Without your help they have no hope. At least I was given a chance. The problem is people think it is some horrific procedure and I want to show as many people as possible that it is not like that. Apparently, the Germans have one of the world's best marrow registers. All they do is educate their sixth form students about why it's important to donate blood, bone marrow and how you do it.''+

This man might die in a few weeks or months.
It was identified that he actually has two distinct types of the disease running at the same time. According to the medical literature he is the only person in the world to have this condition.

donate your blood or marrow bone. Save a life, make happy someone, give a chance. This is more than anything else u could do for people like u.

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