sorry, dad
Intai mi-era teama ca as putea face prea multa dragoste, apoi ca sanii imi creasteau prea mari. Erau ca niste povesti umbroase din adancul meu, atoase, atarnand de sufletul meu, neputincios si amarat ca nu poate macar sa spuna cuvinte. Se prefaceau in tentacule ascutite,muscand din mine si urland in adancuri.
Toate temerile pornind din copilarie si pana azi.... frightening or just softly... laughing of me.
My father, laughing the most. He is going to kill me before the sun rise.

I cant keep the beauty,as that one, from the magic land. It came and Ive just couldn hold it. Even if my eyes were deeply opened. If u came again, I could get the bus. Please, I pay my ticket.
Era odata, o palma cu cantec de leagan. Care alunga jocul ielelor.
Pune-o pe pamantul negru, rece si tepos si inveleste-ma. Te rog, spune-mi, ..cic, mai esti?Iti gatesc un ghiveci cu vise pufoase. O sa-l mananci cu degetele. Lingura e din tinichea.

I want to be a dad, like u,or u, or u.Well, I I was explained the best what means to be individual.To be daddy is the most individualist choice.

sorry dad
your look was more responsible than your car. By the way, I remember how the red, purple and orange lines from the sky were writing stories, all the magic stories of ordinary people, with chips and mayonnese, stories of the people from the pub...I dont like stories of corporate people. When your ambitious becomes more important than the lives of the beloved, than u become a corporate. That's definition of the corporate people.
another one dog is a classic dog, never shouts at me...this one will never be a corporate dog. Yulla likes reading books with pictures. I like her.

I dont afraid of nightmares. I am rich. Am un copac urias in care am prins radacini, everlasting. He will never die.

Hai sa ne imprietenim. Imi pare bine ca aseara m-am privit in oglinda. Sunt foarte mica.

''I must go on standing
You can't break that which isn't yours
I, oh, must go on standing I'm not my own,
it's not my choice
Be afraid of the lame
They'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old
They'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold
They'll inherit your blood
Après moi, le déluge
After me comes the flood ''

You are a very good father. U might have crops.
I can dance.
Sid is still painting, Yulla is still sorting out new clothes to get out with Giuseppe.

Monday September 29, 2008 - 05:01pm (EEST

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