there is a big white van... and the English sky, as my soul is

Joan , came to us and told us that they caught on the video camera some masked faces, covered in black, getting into the house two next doors.
She told me that she have seen only that one has blond hair and then they got into a big white van and dissapeared (It seems that they are not gypsies )
She called the police but the police call her back after a few hours asking'' Have they gone?
The same big white van had been seen a lot of times before, just getting into the street, for no reason, and waiting for some time. and Then it gone.
But one day they entered the house 20 and after ten minutes of talking to the owner went out.
Two nights ago, at about midnight, I have seen that man , owner of the house 20,walking around here, around the corner of the house, and going back. The dog was barking a lot, so I had a look over the windows of the house, in the back and in the front, watching him around. He was watching me as well having a big grin. This man is connected with the burglars, as the neighbours noticed as well.
Astazi au facut o greseala. Au vrut sa intoarca camioneta asa ca au inaintat pana in adancitura strazii. In viteza, au lovit masina unuia dintre vecini. Pentru ca nu prinsesera bine evenimentul in camera, ne-au cerut ajutorul. Investigand casetele, am regasit acea camioneta mare alba. Maine vor chema politia, dar nu se stie cat de eficienta va fi, pentru ca raspunsul lor e mereu acelasi. De obicei trebuie sa se intample ceva mai tragic ca sa se implice, pentru ca spun ei, sunt foarte ocupati.
Next week I will be alone all week long. It seems that they know everything about here and they are not bother about anybody, especially about me, as the first time of their attempt they knew for sure that I am in the house. I am wondering that if I would hear a noise who is going to help me. And I think that Noise will come from the roof. They will going to get through that house that is two houses far away, and which is an empty house. From there, climbing the roof, they will get here. Thats the opinion of my next door neighbours, too.. An alarm cant stop them as they tried to cut the window from the front of the house, before midnight, at about 11., two weeks ago.

Now we know that opposite our house there is a special council house for youngsters between 16 and 20, children without parents who were been taking in care by foster services till now.

As I realized, they are dealing with the drugs for sure. Next their door lives the woman in red sari with an expensive car who smokes sometimes outside. And then the house 20 no, connected with all of these strange things. Practically, a lot of strange human beings, here.
I think that they will come back for sure. I think that I am really afraid. but I will wait for them. I could imagine being stab by them, and this is really frightening. WHY SHOULD i STAY? WHY NOT? I promissed that I will help and keep an eye for them

Thursday July 31, 2008 - 02:25am

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